Marmox User Comment Support Added

Yesterday I released Marmox 0.3.0 with one big new feature: the ability for users to add comments to resources. Marmox allows you to define whether or not users can add comments to resources by configuring the "annotation" permission. By implementing comment support at the system level, comments are now available across the board; you can see that this blog entry (running on Marmox) provides the ability to add comments below if you are logged in.

Comments are saved along with the resource just like any other metadata. Marmox comments use the marmot.annotation property with a resource of type marmox.Comment. Marmox allows WYSIWYG editing of XHTML for comments, under the hood specifying that the comment has an URF content.type of an XHTML fragment. This blog is using a Marmot repository backed by Subversion, so all comments are versioned just like any other metadata!